you could also use T4U in the embedded web navigator, and have a lot of driving information.
It’s Works on the Model 3, and with better fluidity.
You can access with a simple link :, and just enter your T4U IDs.
Now you have on board, a full frame with all of indicators you need :
– car location
-Estimate range
-Battery capacity charge
-Real time trip
-Battery range
-Estimate consumption
-Real time efficiency, calculate on the last 50KM
-Wind speed and direction
It’s automatically refresh every 30 seconds and you can follow your consumption, your estimate real time range, your efficiency while driving.
You could also modificate some of this indicators, only by clicking on it :
-Estimate used battery
-GPS coordinates
In our last version : V1.1.5, the real time request is stop when the car is on parking mode. We do that to allow the car’s sleeping mode, so you need to “refresh” when you start driving again.
Under this indicators, you’ll find a Waze Map.
Enjoy your trips now